Thursday, December 13, 2007

My Authority

Good Morning to ALL!!!
Wow what a rough couple of days. I guess I would have to admit it has been a spiritual battle going on and boy am I glad I finally realized my place in it all.

This morning I woke up in a new world. LITERALLY-
I slept peacefully and I have to say God granted me sweet peaceful sleep... It's been awhile. Lastnight after church I finally took the authority given to me by God and said, SATAN GET OUT OF HERE!!! My mind, my thoughts, my heart belongs to GOD. I am a blood bought child of the most high king. I have to remember just because I am Gods doesn't mean satan will not come up against me, what it does mean is satan has no authority over me or anything to do with me.. I will be equiped with Gods word and holy spirit and satan will flee...
For the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy.... But Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.

God in a day that seems full of attacks from the enemy, I will ask you to gaurd my heart, my mind, and my soul... I am your child and you have given me authority to stand against the enemy and all his evil powers.
GOD THANK YOU that you died for me and you cared enough about me to save my soul and bring me out of bondage. You said, come to me all that are heavy burden... I will give you rest.
You also said your sin is as far as the east is from the west buried in the sea of forgetfulness.
Father today- I love you and I am amazed that all you do for ME and all that you have given me. Let me not forget the benefits of calling you DADDY!!!!

Until Next Time~~~

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