Monday, February 4, 2008

Praise Him Anyways!

I will praise you Lord!!! Current mood: spiritually hungry
Create in my oh Lord a pure heart. Come in and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Lord I love you with all of my heart. When I feel alone you are there. When I need comfort your holy spirit is there. Father you alone are great and greatly to be praised.
I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord I love you. Pour into me what I need tonight. I need you every hour of every day.
When this world is gone and all that is in it I will praise you o Lord. You alone are worthy and I will not let any rock cry out in my place.
I praise you when I feel it but I praise you more when I dont feel like it for I knowI was created to worship you, almighty God!

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