Thursday, October 25, 2007

~~You are BIGGER than my giant~~

God, today I am so overwhelmed with your love. In a life that seems full of total chaos you reached forth your hand and said, Peace. In the middle of a storm I had allowed the devil to create, YOU said Peace. And because I allowed you to be LORD of my Life you gave peace to a storm that the enemy had been brewing for sure.

Thank you Lord that you are way bigger than my giant. God I know that you are very interested in me and my life. God I wonder if sometimes I put you in a box and say no this one is not doable. Please Lord show me that EVERYTHING is doable with you!

In the last week I have had to find you in a place in my heart that I wasn't sure you were still there. Once I released myself to find you, you were there. I quickly realized you didn't go anywhere you just simply wouldn't go against my will. I had to get to the place where I found YOU and YOU alone. Thank you for opening your arms and loving me. My giant is big, but you are BIGGER!

Today I have to ask you to help me be who you created me to be. Lord help me to remember where your blood flows, there is no room for evil. Lord I ask for your blood to cover my family. Brian, Maddison, Hannah, Mikel Ann and myself. Father go before us each step and keep my mind steadfast on you. Keep my thought process from wondering and keep me focus on you and the goal you have for me!!!
Lord help me to thrieve on YOUR love, YOUR joy, and YOUR peace and contentment.

~~~When the music fades, and all is stripped away, and I simply come..... Longing just to bring something thats of worth. That will bless your name....
I'll bring you more than a song, for a song in it self is not what you have required, you search mush deeper within, to the way things appear your looking into my heart-
chours-I am coming back to the heart of worship- It's all about you, It's all about you Jesus, I am sorry Lord for the thing I made it YES it's all about you Jesus.....

***God help me to remember who I am in YOU and ALL that YOU require of me***

Be Back Soon

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