The last week and a half have been amazing. As a part of the staff at our church, I am so excited to report GOD IS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!
Now let me take you back to last sunday, June 22, 2008. Our pastor has a spirit like no other. Faithful in believeing God can and WILL do anything and everything.....
He has been praying for his father 40 years. Last Sunday as worship leader I began the service- We sang "Soon and Very Soon". When we finished I asked the congregation, Can we sing it again and say Soon and Very Soon I am going to see the king. As we finished that song we moved right along to Look what the lord has done. I am happy to report after Look what the lord has done, Our pastors dad made his way to the altar... Now let me tell the Glory of the Lord fell on that place and GOD showed up and Showed out! It was amazing. More people came and God blessed. When we are obediant God is faithful. This sunday was no different. God was calling our people to surrender to HIM... Some needed Victory, some needed healing and Some of us just needed a fresh touch. We began church at 10a.m. and we ended at 12:30p.m. One of our faithful saints said she had been praying God to show HIMSELF real in our services and she was so thankful, He was so faithful.
For me, as the worship leader of the church, God has shown me He is faithful. He has also tested my obediance and I am glad to report I think I have past the test. It has been a time in my ministry when I have had to lean hard and listen to God, on what direction to go next. Which song to sing, when to stop when to go and when to allow God to do HIS work. I am so blessed that God is using me in His kingdom. I pray I never put self in the way and that HE SHINES through me each and everyday!
I love it! You are such a blessing to our and to my family for sure. Love ya Kerri!
I see that you're well on your way and don't need my help! Hehe, you're a computer whiz kid!
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