Monday, November 2, 2009

You are Beautiful!

The following for me was inspired by Robbin, beautiful friend I have. I want to be like her. Beautiful inside and out. Even though she is beautiful on the outside, Her inner beauty is more than I can put into words.....

Be Beautiful
There is no beauty in makeup. Expensive clothes will not make you beautiful. The secret lies in being an alive, awake woman with something to offer the world. Namely, yourself. Beauty is less about your face and more about your smile. Less about the shape of your eyebrows, more about the light in your eyes. Less about the length of your legs, more about the bounce in your step. Real beauty is being a viable, vital human being. As you participate in your life with a warm smile and a generous spirit, you are beautiful.

Living your life will bring out the beauty in you because it is uncovering you. It is revealing more of the authentic you that is beautiful. Because life is a living, breathing work of art, you are a painting as you go. Be a masterpiece. Drink in life. Laugh too loud. Compliment others constantly.

Cultivate beauty all around you. Plant a garden. Embrace beauty wherever you find it—in the fall leaves, in the spring flowers. This will help you embrace it in yourself. When you appreciate a sunset or your child’s clay candlestick or a beautiful piece of music, you are saying yes to beauty. You are saying yes to God.

Thank you to my friend, Robbin, for being beautiful! I am so thankful that God allowed me to meet and have such a beautiful friend!

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” –Proverbs 31:30 NIV

1 comment:

Amy said...

That is so pretty